With numerous offices across its regions, the internship program was decentralized and had primarily been managed at the local site level. For years, the program had largely been filled by word of mouth through employee friends and family, however recently, the organizations sought to create a talent pipeline that would help them alleviate some of the challenges they had with recruiting.
Additionally, the new program aimed to change the way both interns and the larger general public think of the organization’s satellite offices. The main goal was to add new interns in various fields, including HR and business, into satellite offices, which had primarily acted as call centers and home bases for technicians.
To do this, a ReadyKey mobile app was critical to developing a communication and engagement strategy that standardized the intern experience and connected interns in various offices.
This initiative resulted in a newly structured program that not only brought on new interns into the Central group offices, Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, and West Palm Beach, but also into offices around the division, including, Boston, Chicago, Michigan, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina.